If you are interested in ordering DAIN, please contact Jeff at 218-722-2781 x109 or via email:
DAIN is a Microsoft Access-based database program designed for use by domestic abuse agencies. It assembles the information necessary to track and monitor domestic assault related cases in a coordinated community response to domestic violence. The database can evaluate demographic data, number and types of arrests, case processing time, case dispositions, re-offenses, as well as analyzing police, court, and offender program records and more. Reports show trends in the system and can help to determine policy or procedural changes that might need to be made.
Screens include offender and victim demographic information, law enforcement events with corresponding details on risk factors, criminal court hearings and probation actions, civil court hearings and protection orders, and participation in offenders’ programs.
The DAIN purchase includes one host license. Additional Coordinated Community Response (CCR) user licenses are available for $150 each. A CCR user license allows other CCR participants to install DAIN on their computer and gives them the right to receive copies of the DAIN data file from the host license holder. DAIN is not a web-based program, but this provision allows organizations outside of the host’s computer network the ability to view relatively current data.
Hands-on training is also available to organizations that have purchased DAIN right in their own community. Trainings are scheduled as requested and are one or two days long.